1. Minibuses/coaches leave you at the desired destination, while trains and planes take you only to the nearest station or airport.
2. Minibuses/coaches can be used for long distances as well as for short ones, in the country and abroad.
3. Minibuses/coaches provide the necessary flexibility in case you want to change the itinerary during the journey
4. Minibuses/coaches offer the possibility of travelling together with a group of friends, family, colleagues, regardless of their number
5. Minibuses/coaches represent the ideal mean of transport in case you have to reach several destinations in a shorter period of time
6. Minibuses/coaches are more efficient than any other mean on transport from the point of view of consume/passenger
7. Minibuses/coaches are the cheapest means of transport in terms of cost/passenger, a third cheaper than the train and half cheaper than the plane
8. Minibuses/coaches offer the possibility of choosing the vehicle according to its options, number of passenger seats, and price
9. Minibuses/coaches are usually available with one or two professional drivers at your disposal for the entire journey
10. Minibuses/coaches can be immediately replaced in case of technical malfunction, avoiding thus long waiting periods in stations or airports